Wednesday, October 8, 2008



上个星期在"下午茶聚会"与银行户口负责人商讨过后, 我们决定以KH7883的名誉捐出RM1000.00 给滂滂小学的建校基金, 添宝校友将负责把捐款交给校方, 我们将把校方的正式收据刊贴在这里让大家参考.

银行户口里的款项是属于大家的, 我们要好好善用.

除此之外, 当天在闲聊之间, 有好几位成员建议每年举办一个小型的KH7883聚会, 大家都觉得是一个不错的建议, 反正大家这么辛苦通过这个部落格相聚一起, 若是又让这种珍贵的联系渐渐松散而瓦解, 这是多么可惜啊!


日期: 每年的开斋节
地点: 吉华国中礼堂

希望届时大家可以乘这个佳节回乡探望家人, 也同时参与这个有意义的聚会.
我们也希望各成员能对这个"大聚会"提出宝贵的意见供我们参考, 谢谢.

After a discussion with the persons in charge of KH7883 bank account, we have decided to donate RM1000.00 to SJK (C) PumPong School for their new school construction fund. Thiam Poh will handover the donation to the school and the official receipt will be posted here once it is available.

Besides, from the discussion among the members who attended the last week Afternoon Tea Gathering in Alor Setar, most of us feel that we should hold an annual gathering for all the members starting from next year. Since we have come a long tough way to get together, it will be a pity if the relationship just fades away. Therefore we have temporarily fixed the KH7883 gathering as follows:

Date: Hari Raya Aildilfitri
Venue: SMKH Hall

We hope that all the members could take this Raya holidays to "balik kampung" and at the same time, take part in this meaningful gethering.



Anonymous said...

good ideal ! when registration open ?

kl tan kelabu 1b4 2b2 3bmerah 4p1 5p1

kh7883 said...

hi, Tan:

Just happy to see your support.
not so soon-lah, next year hari raya, but will keep you all updated.

chye seng

middlelip said...

A good idea...
Sincerely hope all will give their fullest support.

Anonymous said...

為什麼選在 Hari Raya 而不是農曆年?

kh7883 said...


我们考虑过了, 农历新年大家会更忙,男的要回岳父家, 女的要回娘家, 只有马来新年比较有可能抽出时间来参加.

