Thursday, October 9, 2008



行善是每个人都可以做得到的, 因为行善有各种不同方式, 捐一百万和帮一位盲人过马路, 都是行善, 最主要的是那份心念, 当你把一百万的支票交出去或扶着盲人的手臂时, 你想的是什么? 是满心欢喜吗? 还是想看看报章怎样表扬?


为了要开启各成员行善的机会, 我们决定推行长期的募款活动, 这项活动的规则如下:

名称: KH7883慈善基金

目的: 筹集基金以做慈善用途
对象: 成员/非成员均可
期限: 今天开始
数额: 不拘, 没有任何数额是太少的
数次: 不拘, 可以一年捐一次或每个星期一次, 但切记每当你捐一次, 你便引发一个善念.

a. 大家可以把款项(现金*或支票**)汇入银行户口, 户口资料如下:
银行: Alliance Bank
Lim Thiam Poh
Lim Sin Keat
Low Kok Kean
帐号: 52020-0-01-001875-4

b. *以现金捐款: 可用银行的现款机汇入户口

c. **以支票捐款: 写上帐号其中一人的名字即可, 可用银行的支票付款机汇入户口

d. 若想以其他方式捐款, 请告知, 我们尽量安排与配合.

e. 捐款者名字与数额将不回被刊登.

f. 捐款者可在定时刊贴的银行结单里证实自己汇入的款项, 也欢迎捐款者把款项汇入后通知我们, 我们会加以留意.

这是一项募款又募心的活动, 希望大家能时时启发内心的善念, 无论数额多少, 善事多做就对了.

行善, 就让我们从今天开始!

There are thousand ways to do charity, even the poors can perform such noble deeds, what is more important is the intention of doing charity, do you do it with full willingness or expectation of certain returns? do you feel the purest joy or you do it just for the sake of doing it?

This very instataneous thought determines the true meaning of your charitable action.

In order to create a platform for all of us to have the opportunity to do some charity, we have decided to launch a long term fund raising drive, the details and procedures are as follows:

Name: KH7883 Charity Fund

Purpose: to raise fund for charity usages

Target Group: KH7883 members or non-members

Period: Starting from today

Amount: any amount, no amount is too little

Frequency: as many time as you wish, just remember that you ignite a kind thought everytime you do the donation


a. By cash* or cheque**, the details of the account are as follows:

Bank: Alliance Bank

Name of Account:

Lim Thiam Poh

Lim Sin Keat

Low Kok Kean

Account Numbers: 52020-0-01-001875-4

b. *Donors can use the cash machine to deposit the money into the account.

c. **Donors can use the Cheque Deposit Machine to deposit the cheque (payable to any one of the names stated above) into the account.

d. If you wish to donate by other means, please inform, we shall arrange the best way to receive your donation.

e. The name of the donors and the amount will not be published.

f. Donors can confirm his donated amount by checking the account statement which is posted here regularly, you are also welcome to advise us once you deposit your donation.

We sincerely hope that this fund raising drive will not only accumulate money for charity purposes, but also to accumulate our love and kindness, and convert them into contribution towards our society.

Let's get started now!



middlelip said...

Suggest an easy way to donate, namely using Online Fund Transfer.

I tried to do so just now but could not becoz the IC No. of the Acct Holder is also required...So Sorry... :(

So, if no objections, could you pls post the relevant IC No(s) eg Thiam Poh's?

TQ in adv.


Anonymous said...

IC# is confidential man! Mana boleh!

Anonymous said...

just a general discussion! Is everyone think this is a good idea to collect charity fund in the manner? not a doubt of integrity! Just curious! May be you guys/gals have gone through all the possible questions might be raised by public, hope you could share! Thanks. sw

kh7883 said...

Thank for all your feedback, we shall clarify after getting all the comments.

we are pleased that members are showing concern with this drive, it shows we really do care.

Thank again.

chye seng

Anonymous said...



middlelip said...

Re IC# comment by anonymous, me don't think IC#s are that confidential...;) We provide our IC# in so many transactions in our daily lives, right?

Moreover, don't think anybody can do anything criminal with just our IC#...can only put $$ in that person's acct nia...hehe...Good 4him if so, right? Ha ha!

Nvr mind...maybe can send via email to those who would find it more convenient to donate online. Should be private & safe enough if done that way, right?

Anyway, above are just my humble suggestions. Decision rests upon those who are in charge & responsible for this project.

Sincere apologies...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

