有人跟我说, “你们真的是吃饱没事做, 现有的朋友还不够多吗?”
我听了愣一愣, 他说的其实也蛮有道理, 因为朋友有时是一种负担, 当你收到一位好久没联络的朋友的电话时, 你心里的第一击触感是什么? 惊喜还是纳闷? 老实说很多人都会感到纳闷, 是不是要卖包险, 介绍直销产品, 或更堪的是诉苦借钱?
幸好感到惊喜的还是大有人在, 所以雪隆首映会的讯息放出去, 至少还有十多个人接到了没有”脚软”, 反而一口答应, 欣然赴约.
我和俊之先抵达餐馆, 那个下午吉隆玻天气晴朗, 交通狀况顺畅, 所以在预料之中, 其他人也陆陆续续到来. 最叫人兴奋的是过了将近三十年, 我们再次见到邱国煌老师, 当年的分校主仁. 当然还有Mr. Goh Tong Chit 和他的太太, 以前在分校负责书本借贷, 至于教什么科目就记不起了.
出席者到齐就坐后 (你们可以猜一猜那一桌留下空缺), 晚餐便开始了, 负责影视的继豪也播放534重聚日的影片, 当第一个画面出现在电视荧屏时, 那些熟悉的感动又缓缓的回来…….
邱老师和Mr. Goh的样子其实没什么变, 他们都不大记的我们这一群学生了, 但还是隐掩不住脸上那种久离重聚的悦色, 我真的无法揣度老师们当时的感受, 一张张陌生的脸孔, 当年的学生, 现今已是为人父母, 依然还可以 “老师”来称呼自己, 那是怎样的一种感触, 我相信也只有老师自己知道.
而那股美好的感觉, 也就是我们可以回馈他们教育之恩的一点点谢意.
一谈起以前任教过的学生, 他第一个就问, “蔡立人呢?”, 可惜立人有事缠身无法出席, 可见立人在他印像里仍占一席之地. 虽然年过八十了, 邱老师看起来依旧精神抖擞, 嗓声宏亮, 动作稳扎, 步伐矫健, 跟本没有老态龙钟之意. 他不只人来了, 他还带来三本校刊, 真是难得的”稀品”, 大家都挣抢着看. 泛黄的封面, 黑白的图片, 翻着翻着便牵扯出来不少往昔的回忆, 校园的读书时光, 总是那么令人眷恋.
我们一边用餐一边看着影片, 惜梅间中便向老师介绍出现在荧屏上的同学和当天出席晚宴的老师. 邱老师和Mr. Goh 夫妇有机会见到久违的同事旧友, 看来非常雀跃, 当然也免不了说长话短一般, 比如刘汉河老师胖了不少, Mr. Lim Chee Sim切是十年如一日的那般年轻, 他们也很惊讶连杨校长也答应出席宴会. 我们也谈起往日在校园的点点滴滴, 邱老师也透露了不少关于其他老师的故事, 一些他还记得的学生, 出乎预了的他点名的都是当时 “最坏”的学生, 看来若你想让老师念念不忘的话, 那就非罄竹难书不可.
Mr. Goh Tong Chit两夫妇也非常健谈, Mr. Goh好几年前已退休了, 孩子都已长大成人, 其中一个居住在美国, 所以他们两偶尔
这次见到老同学真是满心欢喜, 菜肴是否美味可口居其次, 最重要的是大家可以见见面, 聊聊天. 一些朋友在重聚日已见过面, 但我还是有意外的收获, 那是见到了爱云校友. 我们在初中一读同一班, 至今也有三十年了. 他嫁了个台湾老公, 说起话来是一口的台湾腔, 看来真的是半个台湾人了. 由于回程是和她一起共车, 所以有机会聊一聊, 才知道她有个孩子在读高三, 明年毕业后也可能搬回台湾定居, 爱云校友和我一样, 都觉得其实台北是个还不错的城市, 对惜梅和延建不那么好的台北印象感到奇怪, 可能是每个人的城市品味有差距吧!
当晚也收到锦历的短讯, 他正从南京飞回香港, 他还叫我们 “不必等他开饭了”, 也同时向在坐的同学老师问好. 这次的聚餐可要感谢锦历的用心用力, 剪辑工作很不容易, 加上又有时限要赶, 这种付出的精神叫人钦佩. 影片是否精彩, 我想没人可以否定, 听说不少人一边看一边泪流满面, 的确感动人心. 这里, 再一次郑重向方锦历说声: 谢谢. 当然不可不提蔡立人, 没有他, 没有你, 这个富有纪念性的影片不可能诞生!
聊着看着, 影片也播完了, 菜肴也出到甜品, 但是大家仍然畅谈得非常起劲, 尤其是”朋友桌”, 大家正谈着陈年往事, 笑声连连, 这些无法忘怀的回忆皆是这一生中最宝贵的珍藏. 最后露微推出她特为这聚餐烘制的蛋糕, 我的天! 看起来就不相信是她做的, 吃起来还以为是在闻名的蛋糕店订做的呢!
十一时左右, 我们看老师们微露倦意, 就提议晚宴结束, 道别声中大家各踏上回家的路, 虽然只是一个小聚餐, 显然的大家都带着无限的欢喜心说再见.
至今我依然还不是很清楚为何我会从槟城赶来赴约, 就像其他朋友牺牲自己的周末晚上, 忍受交通阻塞之苦, 腾出时间来出席这样的一个似乎没有什么特别意义的聚会,我是那么认真的思考过, 但始终没有答案.
也许, 这一些些就叫着友情吧!
CS,your presence really means a lot to us. 当 晚 另 一 个 稀 客 是 陈 素 娣, 真 的 很 开 心 见 到 他, 差 不 多20 多 年 没 见。 还 有, Bee Gin 忍 着 丧 母 之 痛也 来 了,。。。。 一 切 尽 不 在 言 中, 不 必 找 理 由 来 重 聚, 这 就 是 友 情。。。。
惜 梅
还 有, 露 微 的Cheese Cake 真 的 很 好 吃, 我 又 吃 又 打 包。。。。yummy
惜 梅
Ah Poh, thanks for your fast action of delivering DVD to Mr Tan.That's the spirit of KH7883, u guys may have forgotten everything already and yet Ah Poh still work diligently to make sure everyone fron North get a copy.
I am not so patient like Ah Poh la, WS/Yee Hwang/Mooi Choo/Eng Chew/Walter/Janise/Leena/Dr Keng, your DVD still with me, the rest please claim form Wai Keong at Sunway Pyramid.Oh, please claim before 14th July, or else like CS say your call will ended at 荷 兰:)
Yup, Sabrina, it's guys like T Poh ( & gals like yu... ;) ) who provide the energy & motivation to keep a group going!!
For every1's info, me posted a query re how to get/buy the kh7883 DVD @abt 1pm. Got a response fr CS @ abt 2pm and the phone call fr T Poh b4 6pm!! The DVD was personally delivered @6pm by T Poh himself! He even tested the DVD 2ensure it could play so that I would not be disappointed. So,pls judge 4yrselves the dedication & responsibility that is so evident here, not 4getting the efficiency of the ppl behind kh7883. I rest my case! :)
Tks a meg, T Poh & all yu kh7883 guys/gals 4giving me these wonderful memories to treasure in my golden years!
Keep up the great work, everybody!
Hv a great wkend...
TL Tan
Dear Mr Tan,
You message inspire me to write something down here.
You have to confess something with pride, these are the quality students whom you have taught and brought us up to where we are today.
Every child has gifts and being taleted and and responsible teachers, you and other Keat Hwa teachers have enhanced and cutivated the seeds and celebrating the fruits today.
Keat Hwa students have been very successful in whatever they are doing today and no doubt they are contributing the success of the society to our country too. The windy force to make all of these happen? You teachers who have spent days and nights coaching us , without swearing and hesistationswhen we were in the of our schooling times. You give so much, and receive little in return, and never complain.
When we were in our 17, 18 year olds, we did a lots of deviance acts such as sleeping in class, challenging teachers with harsh languages, criticize teachers, "ponteng" class and school etc. Teachers might scream, scold and slap. But at the end of the day, we learn, we grow.
And they are always there to wish us change, improve and grow even though we might have forgotten them. The care and impact is definitely beyond the classroom and the years we were in Keat Hwa.
While we are working hard and heading to our life destination goal. Take a moment, sit down and give a thought. Who had shaped us to who we are today besides our parents?
They do, all teachers who had taught us in school.Be appreciative and do not forget to tell them how much we appreciate and love them before the opportunity dismisses.
I would like to dedicate this small blog article to all Keat Hwa teachers who inspire and dedicate untold hours to teach and grow us.
And thank you for doing such a phenomenal job!
A Keat Hwa student
A Keat Hwa student,
a very sincere write-up, i shall put it up to the main message board if you don't mind, it deserves to be read by more people.
chye seng
Dear Senior Chye Seng
It is my honor to be put up on the main page of this blog, but the main character is not me, but the dedicated teachers!
My apologies for some typo errors, if you could correct them or you would like me to correct them, I will do it.
A Keat Hwa student
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